fixed width

4.7 Planar ultra wideband antennas

Matlab program

For an approximate design, parameters of a broadband antenna with a rectangular slots and U-shaped notch from the layer B are available here. The program runs in a command window by calling function

U_antena(fres2, fres3, fres4, εr, T)

For the parameters of the function U_antena we substitute:

fres2 the lower limit of the desired frequency range [Hz]

fres3 central frequency in [Hz], fres3=fres2+12(fres4fres2)

fres4 the higher limit of desired frequency range [Hz]

εr desired permittivity substrate

T desired substrate thickness [mm]

Outputs are the approximate dimensions of the antenna with a rectangular slots and U-shaped notch as shown in figure 4.7B.1.

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